Periarticular Distal Femur Plate

Periarticular Distal Femur Plate

उत्पाद विवरण:

  • टाइप करें डिस्टल फीमर प्लेट
  • मटेरियल स्टील
  • मरोड़ योग्य नहीं
  • पोर्टेबल हाँ
  • भौतिक गुण हार्ड
  • विशेषताएँ मज़बूत और टिकाऊ
  • उपयोग अस्पताल
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पेरीआर्टिकुलर डिस्टल फीमर प्लेट मूल्य और मात्रा

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पेरीआर्टिकुलर डिस्टल फीमर प्लेट उत्पाद की विशेषताएं

  • स्टील
  • हाँ
  • डिस्टल फीमर प्लेट
  • नहीं
  • हार्ड
  • मज़बूत और टिकाऊ
  • अस्पताल

पेरीआर्टिकुलर डिस्टल फीमर प्लेट व्यापार सूचना

  • कैश इन एडवांस (CID)
  • 100 प्रति महीने
  • 7 दिन
  • ऑल इंडिया

उत्पाद विवरण

The Periarticular Distal Femur Plate is a high-quality medical device designed for hospitals. This distal femur plate is made of steel which makes it hard and durable. It is strong enough to support the weight of the patients leg and can withstand the pressure of the screws inserted into it during the surgical procedure. The plate is portable which makes it easy to carry and use in different hospital settings. It is not foldable due to its physical attribute of hardness. This distal femur plate is specifically designed for the femur bone and is a reliable tool for orthopedic surgeons.

Country of Origin Made in India
Material Stainless Steel
Sterility Non Sterile
Usage/Application Hospital


FAQs of Periarticular Distal Femur Plate:

Q: What is the Periarticular Distal Femur Plate made of?

A: The Periarticular Distal Femur Plate is made of steel.

Q: Is the Periarticular Distal Femur Plate foldable?

A: No, the Periarticular Distal Femur Plate is not foldable due to its physical attribute of hardness.

Q: What is the usage of the Periarticular Distal Femur Plate?

A: The Periarticular Distal Femur Plate is used in hospitals for orthopedic surgeries.

Q: Is the Periarticular Distal Femur Plate strong and durable?

A: Yes, the Periarticular Distal Femur Plate is strong and durable due to its physical attribute of hardness and being made of steel.

Q: What type of medical business can purchase the Periarticular Distal Femur Plate?

A: The Periarticular Distal Femur Plate can be purchased by manufacturers, suppliers, and traders in the medical industry.

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  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
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आर्थोपेडिक आघात प्रत्यारोपण अन्य उत्पाद

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